"ESPOL lights up its holidays with a Christmas tree designed by FADCOM students"


The holiday season is dressed in a collaborative spirit with the traditional lighting of the ESPOL Christmas tree. This year the polytechnic community will be able to appreciate the innovation in design through an impressive modular structure designed by students of the Faculty of Communication, Design and Arts (FADCOM).

The celebration was attended by teachers, administrative staff and students from all the units that make up ESPOL. During the ceremony, the rector Cecilia Paredes, Ph.D., highlighted the work done by our students and thanked the team that designed the Christmas tree called "Joyfull Branches".

The tree design was developed as part of the Product Design 2 course and was developed by students Dayeline Bowen, Soraya Cansing, Geovanny Guerrero and Eduardo Mosquera, who received recognition from the institution for their contribution. FADCOM engineer Andy Rodriguez, who played a fundamental role in guiding and supporting the students throughout the process, was also recognized for his work.

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