General Community Service practices

In accordance with the CES Academic Regime Regulations and according to the curricular review of each career at ESPOL, which has been in effect since May 2017, the Faculty of Art, Design and Audiovisual Communication (FADCOM) establishes for the careers of:

Graphic Design

Production for Media

Currently, the following amounts of hours required are being handled for:

 Graphic Design and Production for Media:

240 hours of business pre-professional internships

96 hours of community service internship

Total 336 hours

Consider the following article of the academic regime when doing your internship.



Artícle 13.- Academic period.- The academic periods in the Higher Education System will be ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary academic period.- In order to facilitate academic mobility in the Higher Education System, the LES will implement at least two ordinary academic periods per year, with a minimum of 16 effective weeks to carry out training activities in each period ...

In careers, during the academic work week, a full-time student must dedicate between 45 hours per week for learning activities.


Article 18.- Students have the obligation to enroll in pre-professional practices. If the student fails or voluntarily withdraws from the pre-professional internship 7 days after starting the internship, it will be considered loss of enrollment and will lose the gratuity the second time they register.

In the event of withdrawal due to fortuitous situations or force majeure that prevents the completion of the practice, these duly documented cases will be known and approved by the corresponding Board of Directors, at the time the situation arises.

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