Application to community practices

Students interested in completing their community service internship hours must apply through the academic system:

After applying, they must be attentive to their ESPOL email and announcements on official networks.

We remind you that:

1. Only students with a level 300-I can participate, and registration through the system will be the only way to participate in community projects.

2. Given the current circumstances due to the pandemic, the vast majority of the internships will be carried out in teleworking mode, which requires due commitment and being aware of ESPOL's and FADCOM social media communications.

Application to the internship program

Currently it requires interns for the carrers of:

 Graphic Design.

 Production for Media.

 Web Design and Multimedia Applications.

If you have any questions, you can contact the coordinator of practices corresponding to your career.

Production for Media:

Msc. Antonio Moncayo.


 Graphic Design:

Msc. Andrea Pino.
